Spaghetti Nite!

Well, not exactly Cinco de Mayo fare but we did have an approximation of a Virgin Margarita with our delicious Spaghetti that Fran whipped up. All-in-all we’ve been eating rather well on this passage, better than we did in the past so we must be getting the rhythm of it all. Practically no, make that nada, meals out of a can and some delicious fare to keep the appetite up. We’re saving the rest of a really fine meatloaf in red wine sauce that Fran made up and froze before we left for the Equator crossing meal. That and a bottle of Champagne that went in the refer this afternoon to be properly chilled for the ceremony dedicated to King Neptune at which we leave the Pollywog state and become full-fledged Shellbacks (it is maintained by those who have crossed the Equator in a boat that crossing in an airplane doesn’t count).

Speaking of Neptune we are wondering if you, dear readers, have some suggestions, within the bounds of propriety (remember, after all, we’re sailors), as to what the ceremony should consist of? Songs to play? Props? Poetry? A special prize to the winning suggestion(s).

We’re sticking with the game plan, motorsailing and sometimes when the wind permits, sailing down to better winds which are forecast and we are looking forward to. We love our reliable Yanmar but like the silence better.

As of 1900 PDT on May 5th:

03d 59m N 125d 23m W
CSE 211T at 5.2 Kts, motorsailing
Wind 160T at 10 Kts
Sky 80% overcast, with rainshowers around but no thunderbumpers Seas SE 4′, 83 F
Baro 1011.6 steady
Sea 83.4 F


Richard & Fran