So long and thanks for all the fish!

Day 3 – April 19, 2013 – Fran
Current Location: 18 36.848 N, 109 35.554 W

268 Nautical Miles from Puerto Vallarta

So here we are, cruising along! We have the full Genoa out and 2 reef in the main. We set the sails on Day 1 and mostly haven’t touched them since then.

Yesterday we spent mostly getting our sea legs and settling in to the pace of the passage. It’s been LOVELY! Blue sky and bluer than blue water! As we left Banderas Bay (Puerto Vallarta), we were visited by a school of dolphin dancing and jumping and wishing us fair winds – either that or saying “so long, and thanks for all the fish”! (Richard says they were feeding, I know better.)

RED is providing us with a smooth and comfortable ride, and all of the stress we put ourselves under to get projects finished before leaving has melted away. As soon as we had the sails up and were heading west we both just grinned and haven’t stopped since.

All is well and peaceful – we couldn’t be happier!

(PS – we’ll be uploading our location to the link on our webpage as soon as we remember how…)

One Comment

  1. Wow! How many years has it been since you told us in Anchorage that you would love to do this “one day”? You are so lucky, but also so smart to live your dream rather than just keep dreaming and talking about it yet never doing it like so many of us….. Hats off to you! I hope your journey will be fantastic, and that we will meet up in one place or other in the not too distant future! You guys are great and have my admiration 🙂
    May the wind be always in your back! Aloha,