Day 16 – May 2, 2013 – Sailing is AWESOME!

Day 16 – May 2, 2013 2:15 PM Pacific Time – Fran
Current Location: 08 03.31 N, 123 09.98 W
Heading 187 T, Speed 6.0
Sail: Full Genoa & double reefed main

Temperature: Indoor 87F, Outdoor 94 F
+/- 1,280 Miles from Puerto Vallarta, 1,400 Miles to the Marquesas

We’ve been sailing along for a few days now with nice, steady winds – it’s been lovely! The sun and the blue sky and water – the birds – truly, lovely. It feels great to be MOVING… We’d been stuck in the slow lane for too long.

Last night we were talking about NASA and the International Space Station, etc., when what do we see zipping over our heads? Yup, the International Space Station. Verified by our “ham” friends on the SSB radio net. Was pretty cool!

Richard and I have gotten into the rythum of the passage and are really enjoying the journey. Good thing as we have a ways to go yet. 🙂

We are in touch with our friends Huck who are a short distance ahead of us – it’s fun to compare our passages! They’re lucky to have a four legged friend aboard: Captain Jack the black cat. Huck and RED did a lot together as we were preparing for this passage – it’s fun to see what worked well for each of us, and what didn’t…we’ll know for next time…

Time to go – looks like rain, so need to close hatches, etc.