Hemispheres, sunset and beautiful sailing

We crossed over into the Western Hemisphere last night, but we’re still in the land of tomorrow. I used to think the International Date Line and the hemisphere delineation were the same, nodda. So, we’ll continue living in the future for awhile longer.

We’ve had some great sailing the last few days! RED’s new Genoa and recut main are doing quite well, he sails like a charm!

The sunsets have been spectacular – We think we’ll be in Minerva tomorrow morning – looking forward to a couple nights ‘on the hook’, before we head to Tonga and meet up with my sister Liz!

More soon –

Fran & Richard

One Comment

  1. Sounds great! How about a photo of one of those sunsets?! I love sunsets! I will have to look at a map as to hemisphere vs. dateline…. Cooler here in Alaska because of some north wind but still sunny and bone dry=fire danger! Happy sailings!